On October 27th 1990, in the city Villa del Rosario, Cucuta, Colombia, gathered officially for the first time an important group of horsemen from various countries, called by Colombia to “OFFICIALIZE” the creation of the WORLD CONFEDERATION OF BREEDERS OF PASO HORSES, CONFEPASO. 27 de Octubre de 1990, en la ciudad de Villa del Rosario, Cúcuta, Colombia, se reunieron por primera vez, de manera oficial, un grupo importante de caballistas de varios países, invitados por Colombia, para “OFICIALIZAR” la creación de la CONFEDERACION MUNDIAL DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PASO, CONFEPASO.

The motive of this meeting was the result of a year of organization and motivation by Mr. Luis Fernando Duque Arango, who as President of the Colombian Federation of Equines Associations, FEDEQUINAS, conceived, documented and presented to the current Board the idea of creating a solid International Confederation with legal feasibility that would unify the raising, tame, management, reproduction, marketing and exhibition criteria for Paso horses in America and the World.

With help from Doctor Roberto Pinzon, FEDEQUINAS’S Executive Director and the advice from an important group of horse breeders and eminent Colombian jurists related to the private and public sector to the Colombian Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Foreign Relations, with Doctor Bernardo Restrepo Dagger, ex-president of ADESILLA, among them.

Board of CONFEPASO at its foundation:

Among others on the table (from left to right): Ramón López Rivas (President of Fedepaso – Venezuela), Tom. C. Pietersz (Aruba and Curacao), Luis Fernando Duque Arango (FEDEQUINAS’s President – Colombia), Jairo Slebi (Mayor of Cúcuta, host city), Antonio Gómez, (Delegate from the Ministry of Agriculture – Colombia), Carlos Botero Londoño (President’s of FEDEQUINAS Assistant), Luis Alfonso Pérez González, (President of ASOCANORTE – Colombia) and Roberto Pinzón, (FEDEQUINAS’s. Executive Director).

It was, among others Doctor Ramon Lopez Rivas, President of FEDEPASO (Venezuela), one of the most eager encouragers of the Project, collaborating with his concepts, ideas and good will.

For the event were convened the Recognized Associations of the countries Colombia, Venezuela, Aruba, Curacao, Ecuador, United States of America, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Peru, with their respective representative, coinciding with the “First Binational Colombian-Venezuelan Exhibition”.

For the signature of “CONFEPASO’S Articles of Incorporation” the house (relic and historical Heritage) of Ex-president and founder of the Colombian Republic, General Francisco de Paula Santander, considered as “The Father of the Laws”.



Unanimously Luis Fernando Duque Arango was elected as first President of CONFEPASO and during the following months continued the Formalization and Registration of the organization and the establishment of the first international operational grounds.

Afterwards he delegated to Doctor Carlos Botero Londoño, later Vice-president of FEDEQUINAS, all technical contacts needed to be developed with other countries to consolidate the object of CONFEPASO.

Some associations present at the signature of CONFEPASOS Articles of Incorporation.

Author : Luis Fernando Duque Arango



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The Confepaso International Foundation is an entity conceived for the Confederation of Equine Associations and Federations, egalitarian, manifest in the carrying out of equine, cultural and amateur sports activities, with legal status and of a permanent nature that may carry out its activities throughout the world. .

Since its founding, with its member countries, Aruba, Canada, Colombia, Curacao, Ecuador, United States, Panama, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Venezuela, as the governing body of equine activity at an international level, it has strived to unify, in the member countries, the regulations and judging criteria in both the Paso Horse competitions and the Rider and Amazonas competitions.


Plan the relevant strategies to maintain the sustained growth of existing and future guilds that develop the culture and promotion of the Paso Horse worldwide.


Promote and disseminate internationally the breeding, training, riding, judging and treatment of the Paso Horse, as well as encourage horse riding as a cultural expression of the Paso Horse for the world; a means of educational recreation and agro ecotourism in all member and affiliate countries.
