Origins of the Paso Fino Horse
The history of the breed Paso Fino began in Spain where the crossbreeding led to the emergence of a saddle horse of the finest. To occupy Spain, Arabs brought Berbers horses, called Barbas today. The genetic contribution of that race had an important impact on the evolution of horses in Europe, North Africa and the New World. The Barb of Spain’s was a result miscegenation of Berbers with local horses. They then took the blood supply of Andalusian horses.
Colombian Trote and Galope
Trote is the way of movement of some of our equines through the successive and alternated movement of its two diagonal bipeds, producing one beat with each biped, performing the complete cycle in two beats, without suspension, in none of them.
Colombian Trocha and Galope
The trot and gallop modality corresponds to a new saddle horse that is very difficult to obtain.
Its good quality is achieved by combining in the same specimen the air of the Trocha with classic patterns, with a Gallop also with classic patterns.
Colombian Trocha
It is the way of movement of some of our equines with a successive and alternated move of its two diagonal bipeds, producing two beats with each biped, to execute the complete cycle.
Paso Fino
Paso Fino is a gait or walk executed by some of our equines, characterized by an alternated and successive displacement of its two lateral bipeds, producing two beats with each biped to execute the complete cycle or gait in four beats.
Diferents gaits used in events and competitions
utilizadas en los eventos
- Trote and Galope
- Trocha and Galope
- Trocha
- Paso Fino
- Performance
- Pleasure
- Bellas Formas
Age Category
⸻ Gender Male and Female Months ⸻