Origins of the Paso Fino Horse
The history of the breed Paso Fino began in Spain where the crossbreeding led to the emergence of a saddle horse of the finest. To occupy Spain, Arabs brought Berbers horses, called Barbas today. The genetic contribution of that race had an important impact on the evolution of horses in Europe, North Africa and the New World. The Barb of Spain’s was a result miscegenation of Berbers with local horses. They then took the blood supply of Andalusian horses.
It was during his second voyage to the New World when Christopher Columbus brought the first horses to Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic today). Those animals were mestizos Barbas, Berber and Andalusian of Spain. Later in Mexico and South America, other races will join them, but his complete isolation will recognize them as the ancestors of the Paso Fino.
The offspring of the horses were blasted by the countries discovered by explorers and attacked by the invaders. The horses were used as means of transportation to Puerto Rico and Colombia, the Isthmus of Panama and Mexico, and Cuba.
Amble, a genetic characteristic
The Paso Fino horse took the best of each breed. Among those features, you have the force of nature Barba and the Andalusian. But the most important is the legacy of the incredible progress of the Berber of Spain. Despite the physical evolution linked with farming, it is noteworthy that this march (Amble) was a genetic trait that will remain. The latter identifies the horse known today under the name Paso Fino.
Fast and comfortable
In Amble, laying order of the feet is not diagonal; the horse lifts up front and rear on the same side simultaneously. The amble can be four-beat gait but trot becomes two times and as in the trot, bipedal landfall almost simultaneously: left anterior, left posterior, right anterior, right posterior with a time of suspension between each movement. When trotting, the rider has to get up not to bounce in the saddle, Amble allows him to be comfortably seated.
Besides the paso and galloping gait of the Paso Fino there is the paso fino, the short and long gaits from slowest to fastest. These are innate gaits for this horses. The Paso Fino is a very rhythmic gait often used in presentations.
The short, which allows a speed comparable to that of the trot is very comfortable for the rider. In this gait, a trained Paso Fino can go for hours. It is noteworthy that the Paso Fino is ideal for those who suffer from back and neck vertebrae pain.
Many exhibitions and competitions of all levels are organized every year in the United States, Puerto Rico or the Dominican Republic.

Features Horse Paso Fino
Breed: Paso Fino
Origin: Colombia, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela
Height: 1,42 à 1,54 m
Structure: Medium
Coats: All varieties are accepted
Character: Location and quiet